Friday, July 27, 2018

Don't Miss My Info Packed Seminar at The Atlanta Jewelry Show!!!

Have you worked hard to build a mailing list for your retail store but can't seem to figure out how to put it to good use? No is at hand!

Make plans to attend my FREE seminar on "How To Find The Riches in the Niches of Your Store's Mailing List!"

This will be held at the Atlanta Jewelry Show on Friday, August 3rd from 4:00 to 5:00 PM.

This seminar is based on real world experiences in my own jewelry & gift store. Cut time and waste by learning from my successes as well as failures! Make plans to attend today so you'll be able to find those "Hidden Profit Centers" in your store's mailing list!

Discover this and other hidden nuggets of gold I'll be would be a shame for others to learn these techniques! I really do look forward to seeing you in Atlanta...let's all profit together!


Bill Warren, DDJM (Doctor of Dynamic Jewelry Marketing)

P.S. - need a marketing speaker for a group you belong to? I'd love to 828-729-1020.

P.P.S. - I'm a retailer just like you who has a love of teaching others! I like to keep things fancy websites or a bunch of bells & whistles...just results!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Keeping the Thing..."The Thing!"

Let me ask you a question - how many of you are bombarded daily with things that seem to pull you away from the important task of running your store? You know, you have three civic groups wanting you to donate an item for an auction or you’re hit up by someone wanting you to do a hole sponsorship for the latest golf tournament.
It seems we have time vampires all around us wanting to suck up all of our time and attention!
Since childhood I’ve been a huge Star Trek fan and I’ll never forget what Captain Kirk once told Captain Picard in one of the movie versions of Star Trek. He said something to the effect of, “While you’re captain of the ship, you’ll get to explore, do things and see things that no one else gets to see or do! Don’t let them promote you, don’t get distracted because while you’re in the captain’s seat… you’ll make a difference!” In other words, Keep the Thing, “The Thing!”
For those who’ve followed my columns over the years, you know my story - how finding success meant quitting being a jeweler per say and instead becoming a “Marketer of Jewelry” and related services to our area’s consumers. It was a subtle shift in my thinking, but a very important one.
Over the years I’ve found it easy to become distracted with day to day challenges, administration, employees, etc. However whenever I came out of the fog and realized that as “Captain of The Ship” and “Chief Marketer” it’s very important to constantly be developing marketing strategies that create the loyalty and store traffic we’ve enjoyed. 
Friends, I feel sure you’ll discover that marketing is the engine that drives your store’s business - dare you neglect it? It is easy to set aside that next e-mail blast, Facebook/Instagram post, direct mail promotion for the daily administration of business, etc. I get it! But when you do set it aside, just like letting off the accelerator of your car, you’ll slow down. 
Take 15 minutes each morning before everyone gets to work to plan your daily, weekly & monthly marketing. If that is not practical, take just one morning a week, lock yourself away and give yourself time to think about the systems that run your business. Above all else remember, Keep the Thing, “The Thing!”
"til next time,
Bill Warren